martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

News about Tablas of Daimiel & Our work

We have started our work. As you know today you have to read some news about Tablas de Daimiel.
here you´ve got the links.

Do  your part of work and save it on a pendrive.


  1.  To read the news of Tablas de Daimiel
  2.  To look for images of the animals added in class
  3.  To design a front slide 
  4.  To copy some interesting news of the links( translate into English). 

lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

The snowman

We  are in an English unit about winter activities. We've got some activities  about a  story tale, THE SNOWMAN. I recommend you to watch the video of this story to understand the activities properly.


Besides, we have seen the story in Lucas´s book, meanwhile the teacher told you the story.


sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2017


  Natural Science:

We are studying the systems take part in the nutrition function. We have watched some videos. you can see them here.





Thanksgiving day


Here you are some videos we have watched in English lesson about the celebration of Thanksgiving day. Remember, you have to take notes of its typical food.

viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

What do we know about this important ecosystem: Tablas de Daimiel National Park?

Do you want to be journalist for a day? In natural science you will have the oportunity to show your fantastic investigation skills. So, what topic are we going to work with? We are going to carry out a research about Tablas de Daimiel. Interesting, isn´t it?

You are going to visit some webpages to learn  about this amazing ecosystem and take some notes about Flora and Fauna.

  •  Flora in Tablas de Daimiel(Names in English and Spanish)
  •  Fauna in Tablas de Daimiel (Names in English and Spanish)

En definitiva, debereis tener una idea general sobre este ecosistema, su flora y su fauna característica.


jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017


Estrenamos blog para compartir información, experiencias, trabajos con los alumnos a los que imparto clases, 3ºA, 3ºB y 4ºA.
En este blog trabajaremos tanto en castellano, como en inglés.
Espero que sea provechoso para todos.